Sunday, June 30, 2019

9th #30DayBookBinge + FREE Printables!

Oh, hello there. Welcome to the ninth round of the #30DayBookBinge!

If you're new to the Book Binge, I explain what it is in the video above, but briefly: 30 Day Book Binge is a low-pressure reading challenge that encourages you to read something of your choice, purely for pleasure, every single day for 30 days. What you read and how long you read is up to you!
This round of the binge runs through July, which has 31 days — you can choose to start a day late, end a day early, or save that bonus day in case of mid-month emergencies.

I know I've been saying this a lot lately, but I have been reading every day, and I credit that almost completely with the 30 Day Book Binge! Having such a low-pressure challenge that encourages habit-building is truly — who'd've thought — actually helping me build a pretty stellar habit!

And I'm hoping the Binge will help you build or reinforce that daily reading habit, too! To encourage you (and because I love you), there is, of course, a selection of free printables in this month's theme for you to download and use during the binge!

So, in our Book Binge folder, you'll find a new a summery flower-themed printable set, including a July 2019 calendar, a set of three bookmarks, and a reading log / note & quote tracker, all on a clean, bright theme of coneflowers / echinacea / rudbeckia. I've also included a copy of the original watercolor that makes up the background of the calendar, so you can have it as a print!
Each file is available in two forms, pdf and png, so that you can either download and print, or use digitally, as you choose.
(And yes, one of the bookmarks is black & white, which you can leave as is, or color in as a bit of art therapy!)

Feel free to join in on this simple, low-pressure challenge by grabbing a book and reading every day for 30 days -- and by sharing your progress on anywhere hashtagable, with the hashtag #30DayBookBinge!

If you have requests of printables you'd like to see in future 30 Day Book Binges, please let me know in the comments!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

BEST OF 2019 (so far)!

Hey! Long time, little see. But I'm back(ish) today with my fave reads so far in 2019!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and your own faves =)