Tuesday, March 31, 2020

40 FREE Books to Beat the Quarantine Blahs

I know we're all sick of hearing about the coronavirus, and I swore I wasn't going to be one of those people who made a click-baity post using it, HOWEVER, I also know that everyone's starting to go stir-crazy and is looking for something to do.

Obviously, I recommend reading. (And Stardew Valley. I wholeheartedly recommend that, which in addition to cooking and making cards, is basically all I've been doing with my life for the past 3 weeks.) So when I came across a post from EntangledTeen offering up a bunch of their books FOR FREE, I had to pass along the news. Entangled is a favorite go-to of mine for when I need something fast and super-absorbing, which I think could not fit the bill more for basically all of us right now.

Below you'll find the round-up of the books they're giving away (click the pic to snag a copy for yourself); there are a LOT of free goodies to be had!

Disclaimer: affiliate links are used in this post, which means I theoretically receive a small percentage of the price should you buy one of these books. But the books are free, so... do with that what you will.

Enjoy, stay in & stay safe, and happy reading!!

The book covers link to Amazon kindle versions, because that is what I have. If you'd like free Nook versions, you can find that list here.